2000 Hall Of Fame



The Windham Bomber Athletic Hall of Fame honors former athletes who achieved excellence through competition, coaches who have made a difference
in the lives of their athletes and supporters of the athletic program.

(Special thanks to George Belden for supplying the information on this page)

(Note: The information written on these athletes were written at the time they were inducted into the hall of fame. Some of the information might be outdated. If you are in the hall of fame and want your information updated please contact Robin Martin through the "Contact" page.




samkSam Knight - The Voice of the Bombers
Sam Knight was a graduate of the Class of 1979. During his school years he witnessed many sold out, electrifying Bomber Basketball games. A 4-year Drummer for the Pep Band, he also got to participate in that same excitement. He always admired the Public Address announcers at those games because they were a catalyst that amplified that excitement. After he graduated, he attended a home game in January 1981 and found a drastic change in the atmosphere. Those teachers that belted out the game introductions and starting line-ups were gone, replaced by a timid student and a crowd that didn’t know how to respond. The next day he met the High School Principle, earnestly requesting to take over as the Public Address Announcer at no pay. He was awarded the job and immediately applied the same style and format as those PA Announcers before him and helped restore the raucous excitement that had always been a part of the Windham Gymnasium. Over the years he has maintained that same raw enthusiasm, calling the numbers of numerous Windham Bomber standouts and inciting the crowd to goosebump decibel levels, thus earning him the Title “The Voice of the Windham Bombers”.